The ShuttleBox Process
We’ve created Sydney’s most cost effective, and easy mobile self storage solution.

1. Book & Delivered on your terms
Book your Shuttlebox when it’s most convenient for you. We’ll deliver the Shuttlebox to your location and you’ll have 24 hours to pack it.

2. pack your shuttlebox, or have us help
When the Shuttlebox arrives at your place, load the box at your convenience (you get 24 hours to load the Shuttlebox). We’re also available to help you pack it, should you need help.

3. collected & Store It securely
After 24 hours, we will come back to pick up your Shuttlebox. We will drive back to our storage centre and store your Shuttlebox securely. You can access your Shuttlebox anytime during business hours, (Monday to Saturday).
ShuttleBOX is now proudly operated by Holloway Removals & Storage, ensuring the same high-quality service you’ve come to expect. Whether you’re need reliable storage in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, or moving interstate, Holloway has you covered. Our dedicated team remains the same, ready to assist you with all your storage needs. For more details, visit our pages for Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Interstate moving,. Rest assured, your move will be in expert hands with the same great people committed to delivering outstanding service.